Rice in the Microwave

how to cook

Say goodbye to the guess work and hello to consistently delicious rice, ready in 20 minutes following my Microwave Rice recipe!

You will need...

Rice Water


It's amazing!

Let me show you how to cook rice in the microwave so it's fluffy, tender, and perfectly cooked every time.

Flour Bowl

Add rice to a bowl and fill with water to cover it. Using your hand, wash the rice in the bowl by moving it around in the water. Pour out the water once cloudy, and repeat 2-3 more times.


Add washed rice to a deep microwave-safe bowl or dish along with 2¼ cups of water.


Cover with a lid. Microwave for 5 minutes on high power; then, microwave for 15 minutes on 50% power.


Let rice rest (no peeking!) with the lid for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, remove the lid and fluff rice with a fork. If your rice needs additional time, microwave for 1 minute longer.


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